The Complete Training to Healing with Sound and the Human Voice!

Are you a therapist that would like to add a powerful complementary therapy to your services or a student interested in a career in sound therapy or you simply want to heal yourself, than this is for you.

These 10 consecutive, LIVE three hour webinars will explore the primary principles and practices taught internationally by Wayne in his popular, Intensive Sound Healing Certification Workshops at his Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles since 1992.

To make it accessible to students around the world, these workshops and certification are now available online. Until further notice, in person workshops are on hold due to COVID.

These workshops contain practical, fun and healing vocal toning, and sonic meditation exercises that deeply improve your energetic field and your state of being.

You can use these techniques for personal healing or in your therapeutic practise with clients.

You must complete all ten 3 hour workshops in order to qualify for the certification. These can be completed sequentially or in any order you wish. You must be present live for at least 8 of the 10 workshops in order to qualify for the certification.

Individual workshops are $75 each, but when you buy all 10 workshops in 1 purchase, you will receive a $200 discount, which works out to only $55 per Workshop! Contact us via the contact form to get the discount.

1) Recording of webinars are available for those who cannot attend the live webinar. In such a case, contact us by email and we will send you a link to the workshop.

Descriptions of the 10 workshops. Click on + to display

Taken from Wayne’s popular, groundbreaking book, SOUND MEDICINE, this class will reveal the fundamental principles in effective sound healing practices, such as the importance of brainwave entrainment, along with useful tips for using the other eight successfully.

Participants will learn how to detox the body/mind, and the subconscious, from negative patterns developed from birth, through the first seven years of life when an individual is open and most susceptible to outer negative influences in their immediate environment. This empowering process inc ludes “name toning” from Wayne’s book. .

Diving deep into one’s own dynamic, natural and organic, healing instrument, the only LIVING instrument, attendees will learn simple, yet powerful exercises for the proper use of vocal toning for effective sound healing. Included, are the 5 elements, and the 4 components of the Whole Voice, in using the natural and innate power sitting right under our noses! .

Discover how to properly balance, clear and strengthen your chakras with focused vocal toning and chanting, in one of the most powerful and fun toning meditations for energizing the body, and strengthening the immune system. Also included, is a powerful three part (Prana) breathing exercise for balancing and grounding one’s energy.

We will practice and learn 16 unique exercises for empowering the mind/body with the regenerative sound of vocal overtoning for optimal sound healing benefits. These harmonic toning exercises will be proceeded by Wayne’s unique and explanatory, Overtone Spiral, and conclude with his most popular and empowering toning meditation.

Discover how to release physical and emotional pain with specific and effective vocal toning techniques. Also taught, will be how to use and integrate the 3 Rs, or types of sound; concluding with a complete guide to creating your own inner Healing Sanctuary for optimal sound healing results.

Have fun learning and applying unique, group toning exercises Wayne has taught to various healing groups, and reiki masters worldwide! You can learn how to use and share these easy-to-learn tonings with your friends, family members, and children (who love it!). These exercises harmonize interactive emotional energies within any group.

Discover how to manifest and create, and/or, strengthen and improve, a resonant and successful relationship–whether romantic (The Perfect Partner Chant), familial, friendship, or business relationships. This interactive process concludes with Wayne’s popular “Sound Relationships: 20 Steps for Creating, Enhancing and Sustaining Emotional Honesty and Complementary Resonance” .

Find personal peace and stress relief through tantric toning, sacred sounding and deep sonic meditations. Expand and develop your spiritual awareness, and find freedom from duality and dissonance, with the transcendent energy of toning a “Tantra Mantra.” Also, discover how to use the empowering, “Sound Healing Forgiveness Meditation” for releasing buried, or long-held, repressed emotions.


Discover how to measure vibrational energy fields. First visually, with L-rods (You can use your own, or purchase a pair from Wayne for only $10, including two page dowsing instructions). Then, learn Vibratory Space Clearing, and the advanced practice of Voice Dowsing with vocal toning of others’ energy fields. You can also dowse for yes/no answers! .

Refund Policy:
Refunds will be offered for any scheduled personal session or workshop that is canceled by the Sound Therapy Center of LA. However, no refunds will be given on special discounted sessions, workshops, or products. Refunds are available on non-discounted sessions/workshops only if canceled in writing at least two weeks prior to scheduled session/workshop, minus a $25 administration fee.

Testimonials from Certified Students

“Wayne: The wealth of sound, light and love that I gained from your workshop is greater than I could possibly express in words or money. This helped my spirit and body to connect in ways I’ve never experienced. Learning from you was a joyous, meaningful and heart-ful pleasure. Now I can spread my wings and fly into the world of sound healing with confidence, curiosity and creativity with tools I received from the Certification Program. It’s exactly what I needed!
Love, sound and light, now always and forever!”

Michael Brown – Santa Barbara, CA

Happy Monday Everyone!
I have been participating in a Sound Healing Certification with the incredible Wayne Perry.
The training runs from 6am to 9am AEST, as Wayne is in the US.
I have often used tuning forks in my practice, although this is utilising the human voice.
As a child, I was very, very quiet, what we would label today as selective mutism.
I found my voice at the end of primary school and discovered my love of singing.
When I went into high school, I enthusiastically joined the school choir.
Fairly early on, I received feedback from my choir teacher that I was to only sing softy as when I sang loudly my tone went flat.
I have often wondered why she did not support me in improving my vocal strength. I guess she didn't know that I spent my childhood primarily as a mute!
Anyway, the end result was that I regressed.
I ended up spending months of that first year of high school in speech pathology learning to speak!
I am about halfway through now and I have found the certification to be deeply healing and I am really excited to implement the techniques into my training and my practice.
If you are interested in checking out the incredible work that Wayne does, I would strongly recommend that you check out his page, his videos, and his offerings.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Have a fabulous week everyone!
Genevieve Lai

Genevieve Lai

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